Harvard X – Dissertation 1245 1247 Shaykh Faheem

Harvard X – Dissertation

Abstract – The following is the dissertation by Shaykh Faheem for his speech requirement on Harvard University’s online program titled,  “Rhetoric – The Art of Persuasive Writing and Public Speaking”. Students were given the choice to write on any topical matter and Shaykh Faheem seized the opportunity to present his peers the highly propagandized matter…

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Why Argue Islāmic Matters When You Can Walk Away? 1500 1000 Shaykh Faheem

Why Argue Islāmic Matters When You Can Walk Away?

Advice to the Muslim Ummah on How to Assess the Relevance or Irrelevance of an Islāmic Argument By Shaykh Faheem of the Islamic Lifestyle Solutions Ignorance leads to confusion. Confusion leads to conflict. Conflict leads to argumentation. Argumentation leads to disunity. Disunity leads to destruction.        Scenario – As the family gathered for their usual…

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Where are the Shaykh Ahmed Deedats? The Moulana Abdul Aleem Siddīqīs? And the Professor Fazlur Rahmān Ansārīs of Today? 1200 726 Shaykh Faheem

Where are the Shaykh Ahmed Deedats? The Moulana Abdul Aleem Siddīqīs? And the Professor Fazlur Rahmān Ansārīs of Today?

Da’wah Dimensions by Shaykh Faheem of the Islamic Lifestyle Solutions Many will recollect as young folk, the tenacity and vigour on exhibition by the likes of the late Shaykh Ahmed Deedat as he diffused the arguments of the opposing proponents with relative ease and a panache which gained him much acclaim to this day. Others…

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Do You Worship Allāh (Ta Aala) or Do you Worship the Musjid? 1600 1067 Shaykh Faheem

Do You Worship Allāh (Ta Aala) or Do you Worship the Musjid?

All extremist responses can be sent to – intentionallyignoringyou@Shaykhfaheem.com   The last time I checked, the God of Islām is known is Allāh (SWT) and even though there are more than 99 other attributes by which He is known by, “Musjid” is definitely not one of them, yet some minorities are behaving as if worshipping…

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1200 675 devWebb77786213

5 things that the Corona Virus taught us about the Ummah thus far? 1.       Ignorance is Contagious!!! If ever there was a virus responsible for the death of the intellectual faculty, it is ignorance! A vital lesson that the Ummah should take from the corona outbreak, it is that the levels of ignorance prevalent in…

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“Where did the year go?” – An Essay on the Swift Passage of Time in Ākhiruz Zamān (End-Times) 1500 1000 devWebb77786213

“Where did the year go?” – An Essay on the Swift Passage of Time in Ākhiruz Zamān (End-Times)

Preamble A quick glance on social media feeds this evening (31/12/2019) will reveal the perpetual question of wonder asking “Where did the year go?” in utter disbelief at how ‘swiftly’ an entire year has come to pass? At the end of each year, most of us are in a state of confusion as to the…

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Netflix Messiah Series – Dajjāl’s ‘Plan in Motion’ Television 1200 600 devWebb77786213

Netflix Messiah Series – Dajjāl’s ‘Plan in Motion’ Television

Social media has been buzzing with chatter of excitement as well as controversy surrounding the soon to be released Netflix series titled ‘Messiah’, and by no ‘coincidence’, twitter has been trending the series with hashtag #Dajjāl (the False Messiah). As a result of the bombardment of broadcast messages on social media regarding this series, many…

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Mawlid Misconceptions 150 150 devWebb77786213

Mawlid Misconceptions

Mawlid Misconceptions – How Unfound Propaganda Can be Divisive! By As the melodious tone of the Qur’ānic recitation from the Qārī (reciter) echoes to its close, the scores of attendees are filled with an indescribable feeling of tranquil elation, matched only by the subsequent goose bumps across their arms. Still beaming from the beauty of…

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15 October 2019 The Registrar Broadcasting Complaints Commission of South Africa P O Box 412365 CRAIGHALL 2024 Dear Ms Martin, BCCSA COMPLAINT: ISLAMIC LIFESTYLE SOLUTIONS – SA FM – FACTS OF FAITH – 06.10.2019 – 07:00 In respect of the above-mentioned complaint, we submit an electronic copy of the segment. The SABC has noted the…

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“Dispelling the Mist from the View of the Extremist” 150 150 devWebb77786213

“Dispelling the Mist from the View of the Extremist”

Bid’ah Clarified By Shaykh Faheem In the age whereby Google is consulted in all matters, inclusive of religion and religious teachings, Muslims find themselves in a quagmire of confusion. These confusions vary on each subject of Islām, and upon analysis of the numerous arguments on all of these subsidiary subjects, we deduce that the major…

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