Refuting the Shīa 1000 681 devWebb77786213

Refuting the Shīa

On the illicit views regarding Hadhrath Amīr Muāwiyah y by Shaykh Faheem (Islamic Lifestyle Solutions) Preamble The following refutation is based on some illegitimate claims by ‘anonymous’ Shīa sources on the internet. These radical comments made against Hadhrath Amīr Muāwiyah y were brought to the attention of Moulana Uzayr Soofie by one of the local…

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Fortifying the View that Praising Prophet Muhammad’s Birth is Nothing New 1600 1036 devWebb77786213

Fortifying the View that Praising Prophet Muhammad’s Birth is Nothing New

As the month of Rabī-ul-Awwal dawns, hundreds and millions of Muslims across the globe will commemorate the birth of the Beloved Messenger J also known as the ‘Mawlid’ gatherings in some parts of the world, but as ‘Sīrah’[1] gatherings in other regions. The atmosphere during this time is livid with ecstasy as those who recollect…

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Scientific Miracles in the Qur’an 1600 1067 devWebb77786213

Scientific Miracles in the Qur’an

Discovery of The Fingerprint All praise is due to Allah Ta aala, the Lord of the worlds. Peace and choicest salutations upon the Beloved Messenger (peace be upon him) The Holy Qur’an has undoubtedly stood the test of time and has proven its authenticity as the word of God. Aside from the many prophecies it…

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Atheistic Whispers 1024 465 devWebb77786213

Atheistic Whispers

An Islāmic Prophecy regarding the Origins of the Atheistic Philosophy of Existence…By Shaykh Faheem “As Abdullāh makes his way home after a tiresome day’s work along the same monotonous route, he decides to switch his radio on for the 5pm traffic update on the more ‘famous’ music-based radio station. As the news fades out to…

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TARAAWEEH: 20 RAKAATS OR 8??? CLARIFIED! 1300 400 devWebb77786213


TARAAWEEH: 20 RAKAATS OR 8??? CLARIFIED! Whilst Muslims across the globe eagerly anticipate the imminent arrival of the exalted month of Ramadhaan in order that they may enjoy a spiritually motivating journey in the quest to gain the pleasure of Allah Ta Aala , there are those who prepare to set course for an altogether different route. …

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Islamophobes – Mockingbirds of the Concrete Jungle An Excerpt 605 408 devWebb77786213

Islamophobes – Mockingbirds of the Concrete Jungle An Excerpt

Defense Against Disaster – A Response to the Systematic Vilification of Islām and its Prophet (peace be upon him) in the Modern Age” By Shaykh Faheem The modern age is one which on one hand, preaches that empirical knowledge is the only true means of distinguishing between reality and falsehood, but on the other hand,…

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Muharram & the Many Karbalās of the Modern Age 960 706 devWebb77786213

Muharram & the Many Karbalās of the Modern Age

An Introspectively Inductive Essay regarding the Forgotten ‘Karbalās’ of Palestine, Yemen, Syria, Kashmir & the Uighur Muslims in Chin By Shaykh Faheem

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