About Me
Born January 10th 1983, Shaykh Faheem is an Islāmic theologian who hails from Durban, South Africa.
Scholar / Author / Teacher / Tv & Radio Presenter

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Shaykh Faheem has been certified through Harvard University’s online program HarvardX in “Rhetoric – The Art of Persuasive Writing and Public Speaking”.
Tawakkul – The Missing Peace in the Journey of Life (Launching Soon)
Tawakkul – The Missing Peace in the Journey of Life is an attempt to exhibit to the reader the mastery of the plan of God via retrospective story-telling sourced from the Qur’ān. The methodology of the book is premised on the idea of a practical demonstration of the concept of placing trust in the plan of God Almighty as elucidated in the Qur’ānic corpus, and if understood, then we can achieve peace by the fact that once we place our ultimate trust in the plan of God Almighty, then we will never find ourselves ‘questioning’ our state. Instead, we will find solace in the fact that God Almighty’s plan is beyond our finite capacity to comprehend, and so we must submit to His will and turn to Him for guidance in all spheres of life.
Defence Against Disaster
Defense against Disaster is an intellectual defense which stands to exhibit the systematic vilification of Islam and its Prophet (peace be upon him) by refuting the many false allegations propagated against its tenets and values by a thorough analysis of the Quranic corpus, the Hadith literature as well as the rational faculty!
Stories of the Prophets for the Modern Age – Volume 1v
The stories of God’s Prophets have been central to the Qur’ānic philosophy of history. Whilst the Qur’ān is not a book of history, its depiction of history has been centred on the stories of the most revered of His creation. In other words, God Almighty could have selected any of the millions of narratives from history to engage His subjects. However, He decreed to exhibit the narratives of His choicest servants as a means of illuminating the reader to the endless possibilities one may achieve in this life, and of course in the next.
The Beginning of the End – An Eschatological Endeavour to Unravel the Mysteries of the Modern Age
The Beginning of the End’ is an eschatological endeavor to survey the modern age and its repulsive conduct via a juxtaposing of the ever-unraveling events of the historical process against the prophecies located in the Qur’ān and Sunnah to prove that we are indeed living in ‘Ākhiruz Zamān’ (The Final Age). The book covers the topics of:
The History & Compilation of the Qur’an – An Exposition of the Authenticity & Inimitability of the Holy Qur’an
The Book acts as a response to the atheistic lobbies who object to the Qur’an’s authenticity and validity as the Word of God. The book argues that unlike the religious books of the other Abrahamic faiths, the Qur’an is the only remaining religious text free from any form of tampering or altering. It remains to this day, preserved in the exact words as transmitted unto his companions by the Noble Prophet Muhammad.
The Forgotten Haram – 40 Narrations Concerning Jerusalem
The book is based upon 40 narrations of Prophet Muhammad r which describes the virtue and inevitable destiny of Jerusalem. The narrations have been elucidated upon by the author in order for the reader to have a greater understanding of the subject matters derived from these Prophetic Traditions
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وَلَقَدْ يَسَّرْنَا الْقُرْآنَ لِلذِّكْرِ فَهَلْ مِن مُّدَّكِرٍ
And in truth We have made the Qur’an easy to remember
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